1. Oracle recommends that you back up the Middleware Home, the Management Repository, Central inventory, Software library, Management Agent.
Prepare for Upgrade:
1. The following plug-ins are obsolete and support for these plug-ins is discontinued. These plug-ins must be undeployed from the Oracle Management Agents and Oracle Management Services before proceeding with the upgrade.
· Cloud Services Management (oracle.sysman.csm) · Microsoft .NET Framework (oracle.em.smdn) · Microsoft Active Directory (oracle.em.smad)
You can check the plugins using below command:
2. If there are a large number of PropagateTarget jobs, then the Repository Upgrade can consume very long time or stuck while executing "upgrade/post_jobtype_upgrade.sql". Check if there are large number of jobs that are stuck using below query:
SELECT job_type, status, cnt
SELECT job_type, status, count(*) as cnt
WHERE status NOT IN(3,4,5,8,18,19,23)
group by job_type, status
order by 3, 1, 2
where cnt > 10000;
3. Disable the password_verify_function on the repository DB (if enabled):
4. Ensure that the database initialization parameter (_allow_insert_with_update_check) is set to true in the Oracle Database 18c or 19c:
6. Prior to the upgrade, the EM KEY must be copied into the repository:
Upgrade Time:
4. Select an installation type. In this case we will select Upgrade End-to-End.
5. Fix if any error during Prerequisite checks and click NEXT.
7. Enter the Repository database connection details with sys and sysman password.
8. Fix the DB prerequisite checks using Auto fix if any error and click NEXT. You can ignore warnings for now and fix later.
9. Verify the Plug-ins details which will upgrade to 13.5
10. Select additional plugin if you want to install with upgrade or we can install later after upgrade.
11. Provide WebLogic username and password with base location.
12. Review the info and click Upgrade.
13. Upgrade will start and will take around 3-4 hours to complete.
14. Execute root script when prompt.
15. OEM upgraded to 13.5 successfully!
Now we can upgrade Agents from 13.4 to 13.5:
1. Login to OEM console and go to OEM (Setup -> Manage Cloud Control -> Upgrade Agents):
2. Click ADD to select the agent which we want to upgrade and click OK to start the upgrade.
OMS and agents both Upgraded to latest 13.5 version !!
Reference: 13.5: Checklist for Upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from Version 13.3/13.4 to 13.5 (Doc ID 2761728.1)
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